Monday, April 14, 2008

Thing #22

I explored several nings. I saw some familiar faces on the Texas School Librarian Ning! I think nings for librarians are a wonderful idea. Because we are usually the only librarian on our campus, a ning would be a great place to generate discussions with other librarians. It is a place to get new ideas and share things that have worked in our own libraries. While exploring a post on one ning I learned about "Book Trailers" which are like movie trailers, only for books. What an awesome idea! I'm sure as I explore more nings I will discover many other ideas that I had never thought of. A ning could be used in a school among teachers or students to share ideas. I also like the social aspect of it. What a great place to meet new people with similar interests. I have no problems with MySpace or Facebook, but I am not interested in being on either one. I would, however, join one of the nings I explored. I feel more at home there.

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