Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thing #15

Wow. The video "A Vision of Students Today" was very powerful and inspiring. We as educators must somehow catch up with our students technologically in order to remain relevant. I liked the "icebergs" article because it talked about how we need to be open to changing our perspective of what a library is and what it does. I also like that it says this may have to happen "one little boat at a time." Each library will have to adapt to its patrons' needs. I liked how another article suggested libraries use features, such as tagging, that are on Amazon or Google to make them more user-friendly. Several articles referred to the library as a "conversation" or a "community." These things are true now and will remain true as libraries evolve. School libraries will have to adapt as well. In order to meet the needs of our students, we will have to be willing to be more than just a collection of books.

1 comment:

Mrs. K Lewis said...

I loved the video, too! There was a similar video on YouTube called "A Vision of the K-12 Student" that was powerful as well. I could see myself showing it to staff members to "wake them up" a bit and get them ready to try new things.